Driving under influence (DUI) charges in Minnesota result in both personal and criminal consequences. A conviction will mean a fine and possibly time in jail. It could also lead to the suspension of your driver’s license.
A temporary loss of your driving privileges is a common consequence even for a first-time DUI charge. Going without your driver’s license can be a real hardship, so preserving your license may be a priority when facing DUI charges.
In some cases, you can get your driving privileges back earlier than you otherwise would by installing an ignition interlock device (IID).
When do drivers need to install IIDs in Minnesota?
A first offense will generally cost you your license temporarily. However, you can choose to install an IID and receive class D driving privileges. Those with high levels of alcohol in their bloodstream can face more penalties for a first offense, making an IID a good option.
Second-time offenders will also have the same option. If they forego an IID, they will have to stop driving for the duration of their license suspension. After a third DUI offense in 10 years or after a conviction for criminal vehicular operation involving alcohol, an IID is required. It is no longer a choice.
Some drivers install IIDs because the state mandates it. Other drivers choose to install an IID so that they can regain their driving privileges sooner than they otherwise would have. A class D license means that you can drive anywhere and at any time of day, provided that you only operate vehicles with an IID installed.
Learning about options like a restricted IID license can help you reduce the consequences of a DUI charge.